The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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Why would anyone want Republican. The very meaning of Republic is to regress. rather then be progressive like the " Democrats "! Should we be moving forward . And wouldnt the world would be alot better if we had humanitarian ways such as Democrats. Republicans shit on the little people in the world, Such as the middle class and impoverished. These Republicans forget the little people that are very foundation of this country.. SMH
I like "if you want it ,work for it" good comment.
I personally think we should get rid of the two party system, or at least modify it -- a lot.
Republicans and Democrats are both subjugates of a higher religious doctrine. The doctrine was developed and established by the Empire, not by Christ, don't be fooled. What came first the Church or Christ? The Empire, don't be fooled. The Empire created the Church to carry out its bidding and they used Christ to get the job done. Just the same as God made man to build a global satellite network but he used the monkey to make man. What Americans are faced with is a magnitude of debt so great that it is incomprehensible, which is volatily paired with a socialist bedrock that cannot put a stop to illegal immigration along with a Fiat currency which is backed by an 'expired' standard which is coming upon a new crossroads and at that crossroads we are coming to understand that it isn't the minimum wage that determines the standard of living for the majority but rather what it is we are capable of exporting and as we are coming to realize that the mechanization of our industrial revolution is gone, we are also coming to realize the balance of eco-political power is drifting back into Europe and elsewhere and that during the process of deindustrialization, the establishment turned into a tyrant police state which embodied a spirit within the judicial system that readily ought to be able to determine what it means to be Christ-like in terms of penalties handed down to non-violent drug offenders who turned out to be the commodity of the corporate structured prison/confinement industry. During an era in which the NYC subway was operated with tokens, the tokens were accepted as an actual form of currency at news stands. In the world of the crooked judicial system paired with the corporate prison confinement industry, the accused and especially minorities are particularly useful when it comes to sustaining a government/tax dollar subsidized income. The United States does not need another Republican or Democratic President, that is going to keep playing the game called, "we forgot how many times Peter denies Christ before the cock crows". Thanks
I think this article needs to state that Republicans are pro life, which is abortion for incest, rape or life and death situations. It seems a lot of Democrats don't know that about us.
After reading this article how can you not be Democrat?? Republicans want to go backwards while democrats are moving forwards. And seeing how the majority of this country is made up of middle class, why wouldn't you want to stick up for the little people where it counts in raising minimum wage and health care??? Let ppl marry who the wish and who makes them happy bc being gay isn't a choice and it's not their fault they are gay and we shouldn't blame them. And as far as prolife and prochoice, we will never be a country that takes the choice of a mother to be away from here. Ever. It just isn't going to happen ppl. I agree with almost every single stance of the democrats and I hope Hillary wins.
The Democratic idea is rubbish, what nonsense, gay? This is evil, follow the way of life America, follow Christ....stop the Democratic rules....
The democratic party has made a mistake trying to control health care. Insurance premiums are going up, doctors are getting out of profession. Now that the subsidies are gone for the insurance companies, they are bailing out. Does Washington care? NO! The tax payers foot their medical bills,vacations, retirement.... No wonder they do not care if vets have no benefits, there is no social security, money continues to be sent overseas. We cannot even take care of our own people. They have killed a whole generation of taxpayers through abortion, which is not birth control. It is MURDER. It just goes on and on. Apparently politics is the profession to be get rich,you do not have to have any morals, you have retirement, and funded by the taxpayers.
Great Article, non-biased and helps people figure out what they believe. I think that Democrats have good motives, but fail to see the outcome of a a lot of their ideas, such as Common Core. I also dislike that they think Republicans are hateful and for example "Don't think everyone should marry who they want", when in fact that is not case most of the time. Republicans want to take the power away from the federal government and return them to the states and the small businesses. I, for example, don't oppose gay marriage, but I think that the churches should have the right to decide whether to marry them. Not to be forced out of their own will to by the government. Return the power to the people who make the economy function, the business owners who work for their money and take it away from the government. I'm sure I'll get replies so go right ahead.
Very helpful.