The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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When it comes to politics, especially when it comes to these two parties, we the American people are made to feel like we have to choose one side or the other. Nothing about either party is about bringing Americans together. Both parties have their good and their bad and even though both parties have opposing view points about every subject the one view point that they both have in common is keeping the power out of the hands of the people and in the hands of the "Political Elite". I know that's a buzz word, many career politician is a better word. Either way I'm talking about a group of people with a lot of money and a lot of power, who don't want to loose that power or money. Both political parties continue to pit American against American. If we are fighting each other than we won't see them taking power for themselves. I know there are a lot of topics that stir a lot of emotion in all of us. We want to lash out against people who disagree to make ourselves heard. Both parties know this and they use it against us. They are like magicians distracting us with something shiny so we don't see them as the self serving power mongers they are. Just read the comments here and you can see how they've turned us against one another. All I ask is for people to stop reacting emotionally and start observing and questioning both parties action logically. Ask yourself what does this action do to make America greater? Who really benefits? Would either party give up any power if it made America greater and they got nothing in return?
This sounds like a very one sided article. Its disheartening that we pay these government salaries to obtain the same results we have always gotten. Are we that slow to evolve after 100 years? Because of money, yes. Why would the 1% of Americans (the Federal Reserve) allow any primary governing fraction to be a choice of the people? Our government owes the Federal Reserve six billion dollars as of 2014. We are foolish to think that we have a voice as Americans. Do you really think the rich get more rich by leaving it up to other people to decide their fate? No. They buy what they want, take what they want, and sacrifice whoever gets in the way. . Good luck to you all in the next year...I hope I'm not in this country much longer.
I agree with the different point of views I read on the comments. I think we should have two sides, we should have one side....the side that all of us asgmle nation come together as one including all our governments working together for what is Best for all our people that help built this country. We the people voted for all the people for the position they hold...they need to stand behind the people and do what they promise instead of telling lies to gain there position in office for there own personal gain....our government should want to divide us as a country...but help us come together and be stronger as a whole.....I just pray to God....cause we the people really dont have say so like the government say we do....but God really has the final say so in it all...pray for the best....God Bless America.
I meant we shouldn't have to sides.
Typo...our government shouldn't want to divide us.
After reading this I think I finally know that I'm a democrat, one thing though. I don't support abortion!
The only thing I dont agree with Democrats is complete freedoom of abortion. As i believe life begins somewhere in the second or third month after conception, i choose to support abortion of early pregnancy, but not late.
At 75 years of age, I have been on both side of the political spectrum and the one immutable truth is this::"any government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have". The line between a free Capitalist country and one ruled by Communism is very thin....we are broaching the middle - Socialism. How the people think is very scary because most of what I read has to do with what 'they' want, what 'they' need and 'what's in it for me'. People we are well into the age of Entitlement and not the age of Enlightenment. I am on my way out, more or less, but I would love to see a country that becomes mature enough to know you cannot have everything without giving away something. Think....very carefully. We must hold ourselves accountable for our actions and we must demand it from our government as well. Thank you for being concerned enough to take the time to express your thoughts and viewpoints. Just make sure you fully understand and accept the consequences of your actions when voting. I have EARNED everything in my life, and I stand proud - still. God Bless us all.
If u believe for one second that going against the bill of rights is the correct direction to take our country then your unamerican, and from what IV been seeing in the world democraps want to remove our guns, limit our freedom of speech, prevent our freedom of religion, and that's going against at least three bill of rights. So people are fighting about whose right an who's wrong. I say go with the party that comes closest to the American Constitution most importantly the bill of rights. Remember this if it was up to the demacraps Wed still have slavery. The demacraps have been taking the wrong path, leading American in the wrong direction for a long time now.
The article is intended to be a brief overview of the two parties according to the author's interpretation and does not identify the actual core of each which can only be done within a much broader context. But the most enlightening thing about the article is that it reaffirms that the Two Party system is what keeps us in the middle of the road. If the Democrats had full power forever, we would be driving in a ditch. If Republicans had full power forever, we would be riding in the other ditch. Nobody would enjoy the benefit of the 'highway.' It is the pulling back and forth of the political rope that acts as a 'righting affect' and allows us smoother travel on the paths within our wonderful United States of America. I believe Government is ordained of God. I believe according to Daniel 4:17 that God influences government rule on earth. I believe little has changed in abortion laws since I first learned of it as a child in the 50s when it was legal for victims of rape, incest, or for the health of the mother. .. Then as now - the woman/her family/her clergy/her doctor makes the decision. I don't support abortion since there are other options such as adoption. Abortion laws have always been Pro-Choice and Democrats support that law . I don't believe in nor support homosexuality/gay marriage. The thought breaks my heart. But I do genuinely love the homosexual according to loving neighbor as self, of leaving all Judgement to God, of seeing value of each individual, and of knowing that each man (male and female) has been given by God the gift of Free will (choice) and that man will bear the consequence is his/her choice - whether good or bad. I believe in the original merit of Unions (husband is retired sheet metal mechanic/I am a retired educator) which supported the little man against tyrannical corporate owners. Yet I fully understand that like our Two Party system - corporate owners and their labor capitol (worker) must meet in the middle fully informed for the benefit of both when making their 'agreements.' Neither corporate owners nor unions were intended to become tyrants. With her various weaknesses/problems, I have full faith that righting affect will continue to keep us moving forward in a balanced way. I believe the political changes we are seeing in this 2016 season is nothing new but is a reflection of political seasons way past and gone. I believe that good outweighs bad, that right eventually triumphs over wrong, and that the processes associated with both are often painful. I know that America like all countries has within her the good, the bad and the ugly. And to date she is accentuating the positive and her strength is in her citizens.