The Democratic and Republican parties dominate the political landscape of the United States. Their differences lie in various issues like tax policy, health care, etc.
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Few replies on previous comments. The reason not to ban guns is protection for yourself. It was mentioned in the debate the other night. Criminals. " the people shooting up these schools malls and movies are not going to follow gun laws. So you are only hurting law abiding citizens. I don't think anyone is against health care being mad available to everyone but in the form of " if you don't have it you get a huge fine is not the way to go. With all that being said I am not saying to vote for trump but only pointing out that trump breaks the cookie cutter presidents we have been voting. Doesn't America need a change. Trump could be that Change. As I said I have not made up my mind but trump could be that breath of fresh air we have been waiting for. Look past public media drama before you decide. Do research to yourself
I want to stir up some stuff. The Democrats are insanely not true to what people commonly believe. The moral fiber of this country has been ripped and dry rotted t the core. Many people voted for Obama because he represented a millennium of African Americans with little hope for progress as a race and culture, and Obama had perforated that slavery mentality to some extent. What a lot of (I prefer to say Black), Blacks don't know is that the Democratic party sadly enough was pro-slavery and fought against slaves to remain in slavery--Democrats were less on progression of the lower man on the totem pole, by keeping the economy depressed, promoting welfare and the like. I say do your homework, regardless. Democrats are not all that people believe. But we also have to be careful about who we vote for. We don't want a man (or woman, black or Caucasian) leading the country and whose focus is not on building the moral fiber of this country, investing in its youth, education, elders, economic recovery by bringing more jobs to this country rather than outsourcing jobs to other countries. Here is a good article for those who may not remember what Democrats are all about: "Democratic policies have contributed to family breakdown, maintained underperforming urban schools -- with no opt out for parents -- and have promoted tax-spend-and-regulate economic policies that have resulted in a level of unemployment described as "unconscionable" by Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus."
I see good points in both parties however I was a Democrat but am now leaning toward the Republican viwe.too much political correctness if you are not gay or less Ian it seems you have no rights and if you speak up shame on you.Yes we all have rights including religious,and yes even the right to voice your opinion.However when it comes to Radical Islamic Terriorism we need a stoner military to fight them with strong leaders not leading from behing,also not causing a war just because you are not agreed with.There are many evils in this world,I believe we need to get back to God,the flag,pledge of allegiance, etc the things that made us who we are WE CANNOT LET our country be changed to a world Order .We are and always will be United states of America.If you have come here for shelter please do not try to change our country If you are not happy because of our God which NY the way allows you to worship your faith,then please find another country.We have always been a melting pot of freedom,but I'm truly worried about our own values,and beliefs are being compromised You cannot live in America and follow ideas and laws of Islamic Jehadist,you will never win.
If you vote for trump .... Hello new modern hitler & WWIII
Why are democrats even a thing? We need guns to protect ourselves. It's they're fault who suicides or shoots someone else. They get a punishment. This gay thing is really getting out of hand. It's not natural, and in my opinion, it's gross. Without ANYTHING in the past, we wouldn't be the US today. Not just democrats, but many other things. I bet republicans formed the US better and more than the democrats did. We would just end up becoming slaves or maybe all dead by the British anyways if there wasn't republicans. Really? REALLY? Hillary Clinton is going to wreck the US! She's gonna do what Obama did all over again. In fact, we would get wrecked by other countries and including those Muslim guys, I'm not saying to vote Donald Trump, because all of his ideas have to go through congress and a bunch of other things. I just want someone who is the closest to Ronald Reagan. And that's Ted Cruz. So if you want to have a good future, vote him.
It needs to be a party in the middle. Both parties have good views, but both have ridiculous views as well. It just needs to be something in the middle. The bad news for America is Trump or Clinton are both jokes and horrible prospects for this country
Does nobody here realize there's something inherently wrong with an openly racist president? And why does nobody ever tell the full story with their argument?
This upcoming election is one of the most foolish, comical and scariest. The idea of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton being the president of the United States brings to mind how vulnerable our country will be. Sometimes it's better to step out of our Democratic/republican box and go with what's best for our country . Our candidates are a joke and voting for either one is equivalent to picking your own poison. Good luck fellow Americans.
Im an Englishman, i read this article purely to understand the american political system a little better, whilst both parties have some good and bad points, the whole system is flawed. How Donald trump can be marching his way towards presidency is no laughing matter, its actually quite scary how that derogatory excuse of a human being could potentially running one of the worlds most powerful nations. I think the US needs a system much like our own here in Britain how the party, elects a leader and that leader runs for prime minister for that party. it prevents any idiot with a toilet mouth obtaining control of out country. Also i'd like to ask who is actually voting for Trump, i see lots of comments about how many people oppose him, however he is not winning by not getting any votes.
Here is my opinion of how this country is, Donald Trump might not be the best President ever, but I can guarantee you this, he will be better than Obama and that's what is important. Statistics show that 52% of the United States are working and the other 48% aren't and this is not including children, so the working man is having to support those other 48% and it's killing them, I don't have a problem with Mexicans in fact I like them, but that still does not leave me to the point where they don't have to abide by the same rules as us and that isn't fair at all, when you see a Muslim in a shopping center with 4 children having 2 buggies completely full, and the you see her swipe a EBT card then climb into a new 2016 Tahoe, that isn't satisfying to me, at all. When all I got is a run down 1994 Ford f150 and have to work and pay for everything that I have. Plz the people who are blind of this needs to listen up and vote for Donald Trump, he is tired just like the 52% and he is ready to step up to Mexico, India, Africa, Canada, Asia, whoever because the people are just costing the U.S money that we don't have, we have already had to Clear Fort Knox because of that...