Pain on lower left abdomen is usually a complication of another health issue. Here are 6 major causes and 3 effective methods to help you heal the pain.
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I have been having left lower abdominal pain for a week and now I am throwing up. Any ideas please
Sir I was suffering from pain on the lower part of my stomach sir and there is a severe fever yesterday and headache which are diagnised and cured sir but this pain is not cured as it came before 3 days
Ester have you heard anything?? I am having discomfort in my LQ I have gone to the doc and thy have done tests on my bladder and my ovaries to no avail.I am starting to have discomfort inmy right side as well. This does get worse when I do physical activity( which sucks cause I am very active) the only comfort I can receive is to either add pressure to it or take medication and kill the pain. I am about to give up cause every doc I go to says I don't know it's not me, and gives me a different opinion of what it could be
I just feel this pain this morning. Its not continues pain. When I press my left abdominal it get hurts. My wife gave me some tea . I burf and feel a little bit comfort. But the pain constantly feel.
I'm having llq pain. That's running from my sphine too left side. No vomiting, no blood on stool,no fevers at all. What u think maybe my problem?
I have had a total hysterectomy. I used to have endometriosis...but now I have extreme pain in urination. I eat well and have NO gastrointestinal issues, I still have my ovaries...but THIS isn't from ovulation pain. I'm baffled. Guess I'm hitting the VA this week...yes I am also a Navy veteran. I have no idea what this could be.
Llq stomach pain that wraps around to my back and sends pain down the back of my left leg. Did blood work, chest and back x-rays but no results as of yet. I am scheduled for a pelvic ultrasound and a echocardiogram. I have fibroids and cysts on both ovaries, I am also anemic. I am a 54 year old Afro-American female. Now just as of this morning I have nausea. Any ideas any one? My only relief at this point are prescribed pain medications or just lay on a heating pad.
I had been having pain on my left lower abdomen since 3 days and a slight dizziness. Cannot figure out any other symptoms. Can anyone help me out?
I had fever for a week in the month of October(last week of October) and then I got this swelling on my upper left abdomen without pain but suddenly there was slight pain and then swelling on my lower left abdomen as well. Got a full X ray and sonography done of the abdomen but nothing came out. And now after almost a month the pain has become worse and has started affecting my back. Any idea what it could be?
My lower left abdomen and my mod adnomen wear my belly button is has been causing me serve pain for 10 days and I also have serve dizziness and nausea