Pain on lower left abdomen is usually a complication of another health issue. Here are 6 major causes and 3 effective methods to help you heal the pain.
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I have a boo boo in my left eye
Lower left abdominal pain sometimes badly n some times normally,,just 1 days,,and black brown urine for past 10 days,,what can be the cause n effect
Music lower left side hurts and I'm only 17
I used to wake up each morning with a sharp left abdominal pain every morning. I visited a doctor who did a scan but every organ was just normal, tested for ulcers and the result was negative. It's over a year with the same problem that comes and goes. However, I changed my sleeping position, eliminated meat from my diet except fish n since then I have seen improvements.
I read this while eating a Twinkie.. Oops..
I have LLQ pain. Prob bout 5yrs. Have had ultrasounds and recently MRIs. Nothing ever shows. Not diverticulitis. On second kind of drug for IBS. It's not working. So tired of hurting !! My pain pill most of the time doesn't even begin to stop pain. Can't understand why nothing shows on tests. Don't know what to do next. Glad to read these posts, and know it's not my imagination. Sorry that there are so many of us with no answers to our pain. Why can't a definitive diagnostic test be created! !
I've a persistent mild ache in my lower left abdomen, it's not handicapping or excruciating but it's persistent and I've had it for over 3-4 months. Around the same time it started I'd bright red blood when I passed stool, sometimes there was even a mild trickle of blood, this lasted 2 weeks but it has since stopped and I've not seen any signs of the same thing again. My appetite is okay and I'm passing stool okay, no problems there at all however the mild pain persists. On occasion especially in the morning it seems to have spread throughout my lower abdomen. Do you have any idea what the problem might be?
I am in the same boat too! For nearly 3 years i have had this lower left abdominal pain which sometimes spreads across abdomen and even into my back sometimes, i have had endoscopys,colonoscopys,ultrasound scan, mri scan you name it ive had it and all come back as normal. My sehcat scan shown i have bam ( bile acid malabsorption) which i am on medication for as my body doesnt absorb all nutrients it needs. I am due to go to the pain clinic in a couple of weeks, so im hopeful they will be able to come up with a solution as its unbearable specially when the meds no longer seem to work(sure I've become immune). Hope we all fet answers soon.
Hey girls i whent five every test you can think of and they told me it was my gallbladder so they took it then I still hurting the said it was ibs take every medicine the that didn't work i was still hurting so went a nother doctor found all that time it was endometriosis
@Geoff Luseno I am exactly experiencing the same symptoms. Is your condition diagnosed