Contrary to popular belief, science need not be confined to the walls of a lab. You can actually do many brilliant experiments in the comfort of your own home with little or no risk. It is very simple and cost-effective and all you need is some household equipment. It not only allows you to spend some good time with your kids and give them something to impress their friends, but also let them learn knowledge by playing and cultivate their interests in science. Now let's learn how to do the top 10 science experiments for kids.

Top 10 Science Experiments for Kids
Magical Invisible Ink
What You Need:
Baking Soda
How To:
Take equal parts of baking soda and water and then mix them well.
Use either a paintbrush, toothpick or cotton swab to write a message on the paper with the baking soda solution.
Let the ink dry.
To read the message, hold the paper close to a bulb. The heat will make the writing turn brown.
You can also use grape juice to paint over the paper. The message will appear in a different color. Besides, milk can also be used as invisible ink. Wanna to know how? Check this video out:
Beautiful Density Column
What You Need:
Lamp oil
Rubbing alcohol
Vegetable oil
Liquid dish washing soap
Corn or pancake syrup
How To:
Get whatever container you are going to use for this experiment.
Pour in the heaviest liquid first because the liquids should be arranged in order of their density with the least dense on the top and the densest at the bottom.
Make sure you pour the liquids in the following order: honey - corn or pancake syrup - liquid dish washing soap - water - vegetable oil - rubbing alcohol - lamp oil.
Avoid having the first liquid run down the container’s sides as it might stick due to its density. One way to do it is to pour the liquid over the back of a spoon.
Pour in the rest of the liquids until you are done. You can now use the density column for decoration.
If you want to see how to make ribbon-like column step by step, watch the following video:
Money on Fire
What You Need:
A dollar bill
A solution of equal portions of water and alcohol
How To:
Mix water and 95% alcohol in a 1:1 ratio.
Add some salt to the solution.
Dip the dollar bill into the solution.
Use tongs to pick up the bill.
Set the bill on fire and wait until the flame dies down.
The following video tells the theory of this burning money science experiments and shows us how to do this experiment safely:
Incredible Colorful Fire
What You Need:
This is one of the most fun home science experiments. Here is a list of chemicals you will need and their corresponding colors:
Lithium Chloride - Carmine
Calcium Chloride - Orange
Strontium Nitrate or Strontium Chloride - Red
Sodium Carbonate or Sodium Chloride (table salt) - Yellow
Boric Acid or Copper Sulfate - Green
Potassium Sulfate (3 parts) or Potassium Nitrate (1 part) - Violet
Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) - White
Potassium Chloride – Purple
For this experiment to work, you can toss dry chemicals/colorants into a flame, soak some logs in a solution of chemicals or prepare sawdust, cork and pine cones with the chemicals.
How To:
Put water in a bucket. Make sure it is enough to soak the sawdust, pinecones, waste cork or logs.
If the chemical or colorant is in powder form, add it to the water and stir until it dissolves completely. If you’re using waste cork or sawdust, you can add some glue to make the pieces stick together to form large chunks.
Add the sawdust, cork, and cones and then mix to form an even coat. If you’re using logs, spread them out and pour the solution on them.
Allow the material to soak for a few hours, preferably overnight.
Let the material dry.
Check out this video to see how to make red, blue and green flames with pine cones and three different chemicals in a few steps:
Amazing Dancing Oobleck
What You Need:
2 cups cornstarch
1 cup Water
Thin metal cookie sheet
Food coloring
Audio test tone
How To:
Mix the cornstarch and water in a bowl.
Take the speaker and place the cookie sheet over it.
Pour Oobleck on the cookie sheet.
Play the audio test tones. You might need to turn up the volume depending on the frequencies of the tones.
You can add some color to the Oobleck to enhance the effects.
Mysterious Bouncy Egg
What You Need:
2 plastic containers or glass jars with covers
1 Raw egg
How to:
Put the egg in the jar.
Pour vinegar into the jar making sure it is completely covered.
Leave it in the vinegar for 2 days.
Then take the egg out and shake off the remaining shells, if any.
Now enjoy your bounty eggs, but be careful because its membrane is very thin and can't take too much pressure. So bounce your egg gently.
Do you like this lovely bouncy egg? How about making bouncy egg more fun by making them glow? Check this video:
Pretty Crystal Geodes
What You Need:
Alum powder
Plastic eggs or eggshells
Container or box
Whisk or spoon
Measuring cup
How To:
Apply a thin layer of glue on the egg shells.
Sprinkle some alum powder on the egg shells while the glue is still wet. Make sure you do this to a bunch of eggs at once to avoid having to repeat this process.
After the eggs have stayed overnight, you can now make the alum solution.
If you want to use dye, stir some into 2 cups of water and then boil the water.
Pour about ¾ of the alum powder into the boiled water and stir making sure there are no crystals left at the bottom and the solution is completely saturated.
Strain the solution to remove any impurities such as dust and unidentified floaters.
Drop the eggshells into the solution. Wait until the next day.
Keep putting back the eggshells into the solution if you want the crystals to be bigger.
This is definitely one of the top 10 science experiments for kids. If you are confused about the whole process, watch this video to learn how to grow pretty crystal geodes step by step:
Awesome Frozen Bubble
What You Need:
Liquid soap
Bubble wand or straw
Large dish or bucket
Cooler or freezer
Flat dish or plate
How To:
Mix some liquid soap and water in a bucket or dish.
Get a straw or bubble wand and dip it into the mixture. A thin film should form at the end of the straw. Take out the straw and place it near the plate.
Blow a bubble over the plate. Avoid blowing onto the plate directly.
Try your best to place the bubble on the plate. This might require several attempts.
Place the plate (with the bubble still on it) in the freezer for about an hour. Keep checking on it every 15 minutes.
Remove the plate from the freezer once the bubble has frozen. Make sure it does not crack.
Watch this video to see how two guys make frozen bubble in the natural cold weather:
Fantastic Homemade Volcano
What You Need:
500 ml Plastic Pop Bottle
Baking soda (1 cup)
Vinegar (1 cup)
Liquid dish detergent
Food color
How To:
Put the pop bottle at the bottom of the kitchen sink.
Insert a funnel into the bottle.
With the help of the funnel, pour in some baking powder.
Add food color and detergent to the cup of vinegar.
You can opt to sprinkle glitter in the baking soda.
Pour the vinegar solution into the pop bottle and then your volcano will erupt.
Check out this video to learn how to make your own erupting volcano:
Marvelous Rock Candy
What You Need:
String (15 cm)
Paper Clip
Sugar (2 Cups)
Water (1 Cup)
Glass Jar
How To:
Tie the string to the middle of the pencil.
Take the paper clip and tie it to the other end of the string.
Place the pencil on top of the open jar so that the string gets into the jar. Make adjustments so that the string doesn't touch the bottom or the sides of the jar.
Remove the string and pencil and put them aside.
Boil some water, add sugar to the boiling water and keep stirring until it cannot dissolve any more sugar.
Once the solution has reached saturation, pour it into the jar.
Now submerge the string into the solution in the jar with the paper clip going in first.
Give it time to cool. After a week, you should have crystals.
Watch this video to learn how to make beautiful and tasty rock candy step by step:
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