Whenever you experience an injury or infection, you may notice that your body tends to redden and feel hot. This is normal and it is actually part of your body’s response and healing process. However, when things get out of hand and when your inflammation becomes serious, it may actually become more challenging to handle. Chronic inflammation is usually caused by poor dietary habits, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. However, there are ways that can help you learn how to reduce inflammation.

6 Tips on How to Reduce Inflammation
Minimize entrant of toxins in your body
To reduce inflammation, one thing that you have to do is to reduce the toxins entering in your body. You usually get toxins from the food you eat and the products you use, especially those that you use with your body. For you to reduce these toxins, opt for natural products. Also, use organic and non-toxic hygiene products. By doing so, you are not only helping reduce inflammation but also working towards a healthier life style.
If you have inflammation problems, know how to meditate. You can do meditation by doing yoga or simply setting a time each day to relax and reflect. Studies have shown that doing yoga helps reduce stress responses. Since it entails you to be in a quiet and relaxed state, you lower your stress. Also, simply reflecting on the things that you have done at the end of each day helps eliminate the things that bother you, thus allowing you to relax more.
Have a massage
Some people usually consider massages as a luxury treat. However, it is also safe to say that massages can also keep us healthy. Studies have shown that massages reduce stress hormones, thus lowering chances of inflammation. When you get a massage, inflammatory markers decrease because more white blood cells are produced. It would help to get a massage at least once a month just to relax and regulate blood circulation.
Manage your stress
If you want to know how to reduce inflammation, you have to learn how to manage your stress. Stress usually occurs when you are about to face an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation. When you get stressed, your emotions and your body become chaotic – your blood pressure increases. Your heart is then forced to work harder, thus increasing chances of inflammation. To manage stress, you can take breaks and long walks or go on vacation for a short while.
Get enough sleep
To reduce inflammation, you have to get enough sleep. The sleeping hours of adults usually range from 6 to 7 hours. If you had less than 6 hours, chances are your stress hormones and inflammatory markers would spike. If you cheat on your immune system, chances are that it would work harder to keep your body at a normal condition. To get better sleep, avoid using any electronics 30 minutes before sleeping so you would not be tempted to browse endlessly.
Exercise more often
If you want to know how to reduce inflammation, you have to learn how to exercise more often. Aside from helping you lose weight, physical exercise can also lower all inflammation markers. When you regularly work out at 60 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate, you will lower your risk of inflammation. It also lowers your stress and helps you relax more. Simply taking a 30-minute jog every day can already produce wonders for your body.
7 Food That Can Help You Reduce Inflammation
Whole Grains
To reduce inflammation, opt for more whole grains in your diet. Because whole grains have more fiber, they reduce inflammation markers. Whole grains also help reduce sugar in your diet. Some whole grains that you can eat include quinoa, brown or red rice, millet, and oats.
If you want to know how to reduce inflammation, you should consider taking more soy products. Soy products contain isoflavone, which is an estrogen-like compound that can help lower inflammation markers. However, for best results, avoid processed soy with preservatives and additives. Opt for more natural soy foods like tofu, soy milk, and boiled soybeans.
Leafy Greens
Reducing inflammation in the body would require you to really eat nutrient-dense food, including dark leafy greens. These greens have Vitamin E that helps protect the body from inflammation. Leafy vegetables are also very rich in minerals like calcium and iron, thus helping you be stronger and healthier. The greens that you can eat include spinach, lettuce, and kale.
Fatty fish
If you want to reduce inflammation, it would help to eat more oily fish such as mackerel, tuna, sardines, and salmon. This type of fish contains omega-3 that fights off inflammation. However, omega-3 is very sensitive to heat, so avoid high-heat cooking.
As you may have already known by now, reducing inflammation involves loading up on omega-3. Another powerful source of omega-3 is nuts. Nuts also contain fiber, vitamin E, and calcium. And they are filled with antioxidants that restore damages caused by inflammation. You have probably seen nuts in salads and fish dishes. Some nuts that you can munch on include almonds and walnuts.
If you want to know how to reduce inflammation, load up on tomatoes. Tomatoes, a nightshade, are believed to cause inflammation. But, in reality, they are rich in lycopene that can help reduce inflammation in your body. For best results, you should cook tomatoes as it contains more lycopene than raw ones. You can also consume tomato juice between meals.
Green Tea
You probably already know that green tea is a great antioxidant. Green tea contains catechin polyphenols that helps reduce inflammation and fights infections. Green tea also prevents cardiovascular diseases and lowers heart disease risks. It is generally advised that one should drink green tea at least once a day.
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