Early risers versus night owls – this dichotomy doesn’t seem to cease any time soon. However, our entire life flow likely favors those who feel pretty comfortable getting up early. If you happen to fall in the category of morning hour victims (just like me) who wake up reluctantly at 7 am thinking of how to get back to bed as soon as possible, well, this guide is for you. Let’s train together to trick the nature and learn how to get up in the morning effortlessly and with a smile, not a whine.

15 Effective Ways to Get Up in the Morning and Stay Fresh
Motivation first
When setting out to get up early and pleasantly, you should get motivated first. Is it a new exciting project at your workplace that requires your extra attention? Is it your desire to change your life for the better and have more daytime to get important things done? Whatever the reason, knowing why you are putting yourself through these ‘troubles’ always help to stay high-spirited.
Diet matters
Once you decided to bring in this new habit, pay attention to your diet. In the evenings, try to avoid coffee (of course), chocolate, red wine and fatty food in order not to upset your stomach. It’s also important to have only a light dinner a few hours before going to sleep if you are serious about how to get up in the morning and do feel pampered.
Leave out disturbing thoughts
Nothing has more power over your good sleep than bad thoughts. They are capable of keeping you from healthy sleeping and steal your precious time for rest, so try to concentrate on the many exciting things that have surely happened to you during the day. If you can’t help thinking over a problem, whatever it is, postpone your quest for the solution till the next morning and get down to it with your energy renewed.
Bedtime relaxing
Prepping up to sleep, allow half an hour or so for bedtime relaxing. Spending this time quietly, with your partner or alone, alcohol and guilty snacks aside, reading your favorite book or making a diary entry are all the answers to how to get up in the morning with a light but rewarding sense of accomplishment.
Pleasing routines
Trick your body and mind into getting ready to sleep by introducing pleasing routines. Having an aroma bath for twenty minutes (you may want to add a few drops of lavender oil), treating your skin to some extra care with your favorite lotion, or reading a bedtime story to your kids will definitely help you finish the day on a cheerful note.
Moderate temperatures
Your bedroom conditions are important. Every time before going to bed, just check the room temperature so that it’s neither hot nor cold, or it will be likely to affect your sleep, making it uncomfortable and disturbed. Choosing your bedding wisely is also important, so try to keep it clean, crisp and smelling nice (and non-obtrusively). Choosing 100% cotton sheets also makes for much better sleep.
Fresh air
Having a source of fresh air in your bedroom is also crucial. In the wintertime, if your climate doesn’t allow for sleeping with an open window, consider airing the room for ten to fifteen minutes before you go to bed every time. If it’s summer, feel free to keep it open throughout the night, providing your windows don’t overlook crowded roads and let in typical road pollution. Otherwise, it will help to keep your sleep healthy.
Regular schedule
Be consistent in sticking to the time when you go to sleep and wake up. It’s even better to introduce the new patterns gradually, for example, going to bed 15 minutes earlier every day and waking up accordingly, so that your organism won’t get stressed over shocking sleep cuts. Plan out your bedtime schedule and try not to violate it. The results won’t wait – a week later, you’ll grow into it, one small step at a time.
No noise, no lights
Isolating the place where you sleep from all external disturbances is a must if you are eager to learn how to get up in the morning earlier and easier. Keep the room silent and free from all the flickering lights, including those of your favorite gadgets, TV set or alarm clock, otherwise it would affect the quality of your sleep considerably.
Breathing just right
When still in bed, try out breathing deep and heavily while also concentrating on how you feel, sending the awareness about a new day start to your entire body. Consider this a kind of meditation, and use these few minutes to clear your mind and prepare for all the activities to come.
Having a glass of water
First thing after you get up in the morning, have a glass of fresh drinking water. This will help you to get started and prepare your body for activating the energy it has been accumulating during the night. Drinking water will also send a “waking-up alert” to your brain, so that the whole experience is less painful.
No snoozing
As tempting as it seems, snoozing is a welcome trap when it comes to bedtime self-indulgence. Resist pushing this tricky button on your alarm and get up once it’s time, with no extra allowance for idling in bed. For this, calculate the time you go to bed and wake up properly, so that you don’t feel like you have robbed yourself of that precious minutes or hours.
Monitoring daily naps
It’s said, daytime napping is beneficial, but only when you follow strict patterns and don’t allow this habit to overtake you. It’s a good practice to nap no later than seven hours after waking up and definitely before the sun goes down.
Thinking towards morning preps
To spare your time in the morning, prepare everything you might need in advance, like ironing your clothes, or putting necessities in your bag, etc. It would also have a positive effect on your hassle-free perception of your mornings.
Waking up to new excitements
And finally, there is no better tip for waking up refreshed – at any time – than waking up towards new excitements, with a smile on your face. As every day brings new little victories and happy encounters, looking towards them should become your greatest aid in learning how to get up in the morning effortlessly.
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