What does it take to know how to be like Taylor Swift? All innocent, cheerful and down-to-earth, this lady also taught the world a few lessons on how to stay all in. We made getting this Taylor Swift look easy and compiled the essentials of her look and lifestyle in one guide so that you too could get closer to looking like an A list celebrity.

Apply Makeup Like Taylor Swift
The skincare
Starting with proper skincare is essential, for you could get that healthy glow without loads of makeup. Cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize – these three actions should become your habits! By getting a healthy skin glow, you could avoid applying heavy foundations and concealers to level off your complexion.
The eyes
Oh, those famous cat eyes. Don’t worry if yours are not grey or blue – you can still work your magic with black mascara and a black eyeliner (although, it does take practice to get it right). When choosing eyeshadows, go for lighter tones if you wear a daytime makeup, and choose darker browns and plumes for your smokey eyes in the evening to look as stunning as Taylor.
The shades
You don’t have to overdo your makeup if you are up for how to be like Taylor Swift. With your skin being fresh and healthy in a natural way, touch your cheekbones with just a bit of pastel blushes, while staying away from excessive sun tan, including faux, sunless tanners.
The lipstick
Taylor’s trademark lipstick is deep red, but you can also wear lighter ones, especially if your skin is far from pale. You choice of a lipstick color also depends on the daytime and the occasion. For a casual walk in the city, a light pink gloss will do.
The hair
Taylor hasn’t been particularly known for her diversity of hairstyles. She’s always been blonde and curly, though lately she’s been noticed to straight her hair. To start with, you don’t necessarily have to be a blonde, as it’s all in the way you wear it. If you wonder how to be like Taylor Swift when it comes to a hairstyle, you can do no mistake if you wear your hair down, letting them flow freely over your shoulders. On the other hand, you can tighten them up in a ponytail or get yourself the bangs like hers and still get the look if all other elements fall in place.
Dress Like Taylor Swift
Regardless of what you wear, your image should be wholesome and fitting. Despite your much love of Taylor, you can’t combine elements from her different eras and still rock it. Stick to either the normcore urban style or high-class evening gowns with appropriate shoes or a country overall but remember that the main thing is to be authentic.
Girly choices
With such a slender figure like hers, one can easily go for mini-skirts and super-tight dresses – which she often does. Dresses should become an important part of your wardrobe, including the ones appropriate for a night out, a celebratory event and a casual stroll in the city with your friends.
Everyday look
Not even celebrities can afford rocking red carpet looks every day. Taylor has a talent for keeping up with her image of a stunner even when she dons a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved sweater. It’s all because her secret is just being natural, and we’re sure it’s the secret of being a star in the everyday life that every girl can use too.
Taylor is known as a big fan of both Keds and Oxfords, which she can all skillfully blend with her most girly looks. Flat shoes are definitely on her top list, so combining them with dresses, skirts, jeans and god knows what should become your art as well.
Bags, bracelets and glasses are among her most noticeable accessories. Whatever you choose, make sure it matches your look, so going for glittery trinkets along with cowboy boots would be an ultimately bad choice.
Eat and Workout Like Taylor Swift
Regular physical training
Get your motivation first to start your regular physical exercises. And by regular we mean 3-4 times a week for a few hours. According to Taylor herself, losing weight should not be your primary goal, for it’s all about staying fit and healthy.
Cardio exercises
Running and sweating on a treadmill can become your next favorite way to work out if you really want to know how to be like Taylor Swift. It shouldn’t take less than an hour to produce results, and keeping the schedule is important.
The diet
When it comes to eating habits, there are few people like Taylor Swift, and you’re probably not one of them. Who else can indulge in burgers and junk food and stay as slim as she is? Well, you should keep it moderate, since having Taylor Swift’s genetics just naturally is a true gift. However, you can stick to her reasonable dietary habits, keep yourself well-hydrated and pamper yourself with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
The attitude
Less stress, more positive encounters in everyday life is what makes up Taylor’s philosophy. Such an attitude is important for keeping yourself healthy and in a good shape, so that your body and mind can both sustain all the pressure that life can send you.
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