Do you wish to understand someone's mind? I have always dreamed of understanding people's minds until i discovered few facts that helped me guess what people are thinking about.
Earlier i used to think that knowing what's going on in someone's mind or understanding his thoughts are things that can never be done but i was wrong. As i kept learning more about psychology i understood that there are some things that can help us get a better understanding of someone's mind and even read his thoughts at other times.

Part 1
Know your own state of mind
Psychologists believe that being aware of your own emotional and mental state can help you discern what others are thinking. This skill can be honed through meditation and introspection. When you're aware of your own mental map, you are more likely to understand the non-verbal clues your conversation partner is giving you. This lends a sense of empathetic accuracy.
Read non-verbal cues
One of the ways you can read a person's mind is by observing clues such as facial expressions, tone of voice and body language. For instance, is the person saying, "It's nice to see you again," but staying a good distance away with his arms folded? Is his facial expression incongruous with his words? While you do not want to jump to conclusions, observing these behaviors provides clearer insight into others' minds.
Try telepathic mind reading
If you're keen on psychic mind reading, it often comes down to familiarizing yourself with math and science facts that the lay person is not aware of so that it appears you are reading their minds. Many television shows and magicians' websites reveal the secrets behind telepathic skills.
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