If you get high, and are wondering how to stop yourself being high, here are ways for you to control it. Don't let a pastime turn into a nightmare.
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Don't smoke weed it makes you act stupid
Drinking milk helps with opiates
This article is not only ridiculous it's dangerous. Your advice is not medically or therapeutically sound. As an addictions counselor and a drug outreach worker I deal with everything from teenagers smoking cannabis to long term heroin and crack addicts and I'm sick to death of people like you spouting nonsense like this, it gets those who don't know any better in trouble or hurt. Let me give you some advice, before you write an article like this go and do the research then maybe your article will become a useful resource instead of some kids bad choice. Freaking internet "experts" you don't realize the damage your irresponsible ramblings can have, at least I hope that's the case I'd hate to think you write this tripe on purpose that would be litigious. a law suit waiting to happen. Peace.
I've had diphenhydramine highs from mucinex and generic antihistamines. It is a weird high, where you basically just lose controll of your balance and motor skills. The advice you give on taking a pill to counter it, is not a good idea. About 5 max strength DHC can make you unbalanced but taking any when high from about anything is dangerous. DO NOT TAKE MUCINEX OR ANY PILL CONTAINING DIPHENHYDRAMINE WHILE ON ANY TYPE OF OVER THE COUNTER PILL HIGH. It will either make you sleepy or make it worse. You will not remember barely anything that happened. The best way to get rid of this type of high or cover it up is say you have a fever or go to sleep. The feeling this high gives you is what you experience when you are feverish, but without pain.