Over the years and especially in between the 1930s and 1950s, music compositions were an integral part of cartoons. For instance, classical music used in Disney movies and other original pieces of music beautifully integrated in cartoon series create very interesting effects which enhanced the theme and flow of the cartoon movies. Whether classical or just the popular music, these original compositions used as cartoon music are very much evident in cartoons such as Disney, Warner Bros and MGM. The music usually matches very well with the cartoon characters. Therefore, the music brings out a very elegant effect. Here is a list of some classical music in cartoons.

Top 7 Classical Music in Cartoons
Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody---Mickey Mouse
Extensively used in the Mickey Mouse cartoon known as "The Opry House", the Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody was an original "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 in C-sharp minor" composition written for solo piano performance. The tune became a favorite and its use was continued in other cartoons such as "Rhapsody Rabbit", "Rhapsody in Rivets" and "The Cat Concerto."
Rossini's William Tell Overture---Mickey Mouse and Friends
In this Mickey cartoon, the music played primarily is the William Tell Overture. Most importantly, the William Tell Overture carries the theme as presented by Mickey Mouse and Friends. In this cartoon, Mickey is the band leader, able to lead the band concert in an outdoor performance of this classical music which is heavily interrupted by Donald Duck’s play of the "Turkey in the Straw".
Brahms’ Hungarian Dances---Pigs in a Polka
The classical music in this cartoon is purely Brahms’ Hungarian Dances #5, 7, 6 and 17. The Warner Bros used this music to synchronize the action. The music blends so well that it apparently becomes a fifth character in the cartoon. With a violin, the wolf taking the form of a homeless woman plays the tune as the little pigs hide in the brick house.
Beethoven's 5th Symphony---The Pink Panther
Beethoven's 5th Symphony is one of the classical music in cartoons. In the Pink Panther, this original music composition forms an integral part of the cartoon by articulating the themes very well. Played in C minor, Beethoven’s 5th symphony is regarded as the one of the best classical music compositions that have been frequently used over the years. It starts with a characteristic 4-note, 3 short ones and one long motif played twice. In this cartoon, Panther adds a personal mark getting in between the strong notes in the symphony.
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata---Peanuts
Beethoven's moonlight sonata is a piano sonata that was traditionally played in a fast-slow-fast-fast movement. The sonata has 3 movements. The first one is typically played in C♯ minor movement opening with an octave in the left hand and a triplet combination towards the right. The 2nd movement follows in D-flat major which sends out a cheerful atmosphere. The last C♯ minor movement in sonata form is the bulkiest of all. It enhances emotions in an uncontrollable way. In this cartoon, Schroeder plays this piano sonata and he concentrates his mind on it, just like a musician.
Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2---Bugs Bunny
After Mickey used the classical Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2, the Bugs Bunny also found it a favorite. Essentially, it has 2 different sections. The first section is a brief one though very dramatic in the introductory part. The mood is somber though with some frisky moments. But the second section introduces a jubilant and playful theme. In this cartoon, as a musician, the Bugs Bunny plays this composition. This classical music articulates the themes of this cartoon very well.
How to Play Waltz in 6 Easy Lessons---Tom and Jerry
6 Easy Lessons are original compositions by Johann Strauss. In Tom and Jerry, Tom carefully follows this guide to learn these lessons to attract Jerry. He plays the first 9 notes of "The Blue Danube" and masters them correctly. The musical composition starts with "A major" chord rising and dying down followed by a contrasting fast "D major". In the cartoon, when he catches Jerry and finishes playing the piano, all the servants in the house applaude Tom for the performance.
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