A vision of perfection–that’s what we can definitely say about the famous celebrities that we idolize. But even though they may have the most ideal physique, it doesn’t mean that they are perfect. In fact, some of the most established names in Hollywood are known for their inborn physical deformities–proof that no one is perfect after all. But even so, their flaws have made them even more beautiful as they prove the world how good being perfectly ‘imperfect’ can get!

Part 1
Gemma Arterton
The gorgeous 28-year-old English actress, Gemma Arterton, was born with a deformity medically known as polydactyl. Even though the condition is harmless, the parents of the 6-fingered baby Gemma made the decision to have her extra fingers removed. Instead of undergoing a surgical procedure, the doctors decided to impede the blood supply on the fingers of the well-known actress for them to naturally fall off.
Megan Fox
Sensational–that’s what we can definitely call this hot Transformers star. But although she may look like the sexiest woman alive, she’s not perfect either. She was born with brachydactyl type D, an innate thumb disfigurement. Unlike an ordinary thumb, hers resembles average toes. Nonetheless, Megan fox is Megan Fox. And I’m sure the men won’t mind, right? Right!
Karolina Kurkova
The stunning Victoria’s secret model has no belly button–a result of a surgery that she had in her infantry. There’s no saying on what the surgery was for, but it’s possible that she suffered an umbilical hernia. Sometimes, she gets her pictures photo-shopped to add that extra button on her belly. Nonetheless, a lot would agree that she still looks like an angel with or without that belly button!
Kate Hudson
This blonde beauty has an extra toe on one of her feet. She can easily hide it by keeping it wrapped up in her shoes but she chooses to rock her defect by wearing sandals and flip flops– this is one thing that we can surely admire about her. Way to go, Kate Hudson!
Denzel Washington
The next time you get a chance, take a peak at Denzel’s hands. In his childhood, the actor broke his pinkie while playing basketball. The astounding part is, he kept playing despite his condition until the injury turned into a disfigurement. At present, his finger could bend up to 45 degrees. Quite amazing, isn’t it?
Lily Allen
The beautiful star—along with Mark Wahlberg and One Direction’s Harry Styles—has embraced her extra nipple to the point when she even showed it off on national television.
The beautiful star—along with Mark Wahlberg and One Direction’s Harry Styles—has embraced her extra nipple to the point when she even showed it off on national television. While this may be supernatural for others, these stars have surely learned to embrace themselves, showing the world that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being unique and different. So if you have extra nibs, don’t hide it, flaunt it!
Jennifer Garner
Who doesn’t love Jennifer Garner? This Hollywood beauty has played roles that have empowered women all over the globe.
Who doesn’t love Jennifer Garner? This Hollywood beauty has played roles that have empowered women all over the globe. But although the pretty actress looks perfect up-close, her crossover toe may not look normal at first glance. While crossover toes may not be innate, it can be caused by the prolong use of stilettos. But even though this may be the case, there’s no denying that the actress still looks perfect from head to crossover toes!
Kesha was born with a tail—a one-of-a-kind condition that may be caused by spina bifida or prenatal tails that weren’t dissolved by the white blood cells.
Kesha has always had a different reputation as she always strives to be unique. While she calls her fans ‘animals’, the superstar was also born with an animal-like characteristic. Unlike other babies, Kesha was born with a tail—a one-of-a-kind condition that may be caused by spina bifida or prenatal tails that weren’t dissolved by the white blood cells. Currently, she is quite unhappy about having her tail chopped off in a previous surgery.
Kate Bosworth
No deformity can ever stop you from being the superstar that you truly are, and that’s what we can learn from Kate Bosworth’s heterochromia.
No deformity can ever stop you from being the superstar that you truly are, and that’s what we can learn from Kate Bosworth’s heterochromia. In fact, her condition has even helped her to be on the front cover of reputable magazines. Her right hazel eye and her left blue eye did not scare the crowd in any way. Instead, it became her legend—a unique characteristic that only she could flaunt the world.
Padma Lakshmi
Padma Lakshmi is indeed a woman of strength and beauty. When she was a teenager, she had an accident that left her arm completely shattered.
Padma Lakshmi is indeed a woman of strength and beauty. When she was a teenager, she had an accident that left her arm completely shattered. It was a good thing though that the doctors were able to save it through surgical procedures. Scarred she may be, but she never hesitates to show off her beautiful arms—a lesson we can really learn from this famous star.
Joaquin Phoenix
Some people think that the scar on Joaquin Phoenix is due to a corrective surgery, but they’ve got it all wrong.
Some people think that the scar on Joaquin Phoenix is due to a corrective surgery, but they’ve got it all wrong. The star was actually born with microform cleft, a condition that is significantly milder than cleft lip. Nonetheless, I’m sure you’ll agree that his scar makes him even more handsome and more masculine!
Ashton Kutcher
Mouth-watering—that’s the perfect description for Ashton Kutcher, and I’m sure any woman couldn’t agree more!
Mouth-watering—that’s the perfect description for Ashton Kutcher, and I’m sure any woman couldn’t agree more! But what makes him even more perfect is his courage to stay true to his fans and flaunt his webbed toes. Well, no matter how webbed those toes are, he is and will always be the epitome of hotness!
Shailene Woodley
Last on our list is the gorgeous Shailene Woodley—the Hollywood star that can spread her arms and feet more than any average person can.
Last on our list is the gorgeous Shailene Woodley—the Hollywood star that can spread her arms and feet more than any average person can. In fact, she can hold hands using her prehensile feet. How cool is that?
They may be born with deformities, but they are absolutely stunning and gorgeous! Indeed, they are the perfect living examples of how being imperfect can turn to into a strength, not a weakness. If you liked this page, do me a favor and let’s show the world how becoming different should always be embraced. Just hit the share button and we are on the go!
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