Quite like other animals, dogs masturbate as well. Some dogs masturbate by thrusting against other animals or people, while other dogs won't mind masturbating by mounting on objects such as dog beds, wadded-up blankets, and other toys. Sometimes, dogs don't mount on anything to masturbate – they do it simply by licking themselves. Puppies may also exhibit similar behavior even when they are not sexually mature. They usually mount and hump their littermates, smaller toys, and their other playmates, including people just to prepare them for future sexual encounters. You may still notice dogs mounting and humping even when they're spayed or neutered. It's more like a habit.

Why Do Dogs Hump?
Sexual Behavior
Dogs will hump to masturbate, and it's normal for both neutered and intact dogs. Both male and female dogs will mount on objects, people, and other dogs for sexual pleasure. Quite interestingly, both altered and intact dogs can display erections and ejaculate as well. If they are humping for sexual pleasure, you will notice it in their body language, as the ears will rotate backward, tail will be up, and so on.
Play Behavior
You may see your dog humping when he plays with you. In this case, humping will not accompany with erections or ejaculations. Your poorly socialized dog may start humping during play because your fondling and caressing may arouse him.
Response to Excitement or Stress
Expect your dog to start humping when he's too excited or is under some stress. This may happen when your dog meets a new dog and gets excited or aroused.
Compulsive Disorders
If your dog humps when he's under stress, it may become a compulsive habit for him. It is important to prevent dog humping in this situation to ensure this disorder doesn't affect your dog's normal functioning.
Social Behavior
Your dog may hump when he meets other dogs usually to display control or social status. Your dog may display an erection, but he is not likely to ejaculate in this situation.
Medical Problems
If your dog humps quite often and it's not his normal play behavior, this could be due to certain medical problems, including urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, skin allergies, and a condition that causes persistent and painful erections. If you often see your dog licking the genital area, it's time to take him to the vet and rule out medical problems.
What About Female Dog Humping?
Many people ask that male dogs hump to masturbate, but why do female dogs hump? It usually happens during courtship when female dogs in heat hump their male "suitors". You may also notice female dogs humping other females when they are in heat. The reasons behind why dogs hump can vary a bit, but there are certain ways to keep your dog from humping.
How to Stop a Dog from Humping
Discourage It Early
Be sure to discourage this behavior when it first starts. You have to be quick in making a decision. If you don't want your dog to stick to a specific behavior, take steps as early as you can. You will have to replace it with a different behavior though. Change his toys and play with him differently and in a more appropriate way.
Do Something to Distract Your Dog
You may have to try to distract your dog when he starts mounting on an object. Notice for early signs like licking, panting, pawing, whining and rubbing against another person or object to take steps. These signs usually mean your dog will soon start humping. Distract him by giving him a different toy or toss a ball far to make him fetch it for you.
Neutering May Help
Although neutering won't automatically keep your dog from humping and masturbating, it may help reduce his sexual urge, especially when you see him humping in the presence of a female dog. You may consider spaying your female dog to reduce the frequency of mounting and humping.
Break the Humping Cycle
You may have gathered the idea about how to stop a dog from humping, but there's more to it. Sometimes, you will have to take the driving seat and interfere right in the middle of a 'humping session'. If your dog humps you, get up and walk away. This will give him a signal that he should quit this habit.
Make a Loud Noise
Saying "No" in a strong and authoritative voice when your dog starts humping may help as well. Your voice will help your dog get out of the trance they tend to get in as they hump. Make sure your tone is assertive and not angry.
Keep Your Dog Active
Daily exercise will help a lot because it gives your dog an opportunity to release pent up energy, aggression, and any desire to hump.
Call It a 'Time Out'
When your dog starts humping, it may sometimes become difficult to break the cycle with a loud voice. It will often help to take him out of the room and into a quieter, closed room for a few minutes. Let him sit there alone for a while. Make sure there are no toys or other objects for him to restart his humping routine.
Put Your Dog on a Short Leash
This usually helps when humping becomes an obsessive behavior and your dog does it every time another dog enters your house. Putting him on a leash will make it easy to take control of the situation.
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