Saving photos on Instagram has not always been an easy task to accomplish due to the copyright protection backing every image. Prior to this time, Instagram users have continued experience difficulties when it comes to saving their photos, but certain features now make it a whole lot easier to do so. If you have always wanted to save the cute pictures of other Instagram users without success, this article is for you. Read on to learn how to save photos from Instagram.

How to Save Pictures from Instagram
To access your friend's images, download some photo saving apps.
Search Save Instagram to locate the right apps. You can find these apps on both iOS and Android devices, these apps requires you to first sign into your Instagram page and ask for access, you can click on and download any image you find in your image stream, you can also download your friend's images. Almost all these apps are free.
Giving you access shows that Instagram reserves the right to retrieve any information they want from your account.
Sometimes, some of these apps can become old-fashioned with regular phone updates, so if you keep experiencing some difficulties, try multiple apps.
Log into
Most Instagram users gain access to their photos through their mobile devices, however, gives you access to your images through any computer, which makes saving your images a whole lot easier.
Locate the image you wish to save. displays images from your recent friends, and does not allow you access to other people's photos. Also this is aimed at protecting other photographer's copyrights. You can access the feed of any Instagram user even if they are not on your list. Simply type in your username in the space after the URL:
Go to the very page of the image you wish to download. Click on the gray ellipses, which is always located below the right hand-side of the image you wish to download or the right hand-side of the comment area of the image you wish to save. You will find two options, View Photo page and Report as Inappropriate. Then click on the View Photo Page icon.
If you use Firefox, separate the picture with View Background Image. Ensure you right click on the image and click on the option, View background image. This opens up a new page that displays the whole image.
If you use Chrome, separate the image using view webpage source code. While this may appear a bit complicated, it is actually a whole lot easier than you could imagine. Right click the photo and select view webpage source code. This will open up a page with many codes. Don’t panic, use Ctrl+F, and type ‘jpg’ in the search bar. The first .jpg, is the link of the photo you want. The image code will include "https://" and ".jpg."
Save the image on your PC. Right-click on the photo in the new page and select "Save Image As." You will be given the option of naming the image and choosing where to save it.
Make use of unaffiliated Instagram websites to retrieve photos for other users.
Go online and search for Download user Instagram photos to select from a list of sites that helps you save Instagram images. These sites make it possible for you to find any Instagram user using their username and save any of their images without problems. Locate the user you need and click on the image you wish to save. There is an icon located at the bottom of that page that lets you save the image.
These sites equally work on mobile web browsers too, and the launch of an Instagram app in imminent.
Try websites like Free Instagram Downloader and These two sites have been suggested by CNET and other such authority sites.
If you can't use other websites or apps, take a screenshot. While this method will take some more time, you can take the screenshot of the image you wish to save by hitting the Prt Sc (Windows/Linux), the Command, Shift and 3 keys at the same time. This saves the image of the whole of your computer screen on your clipboard. You can then paste the photo into some photo editor such as photoshop, paint, Light room by hitting the Ctrl/Command and V keys at the same time. You can save the image now. You might have to crop the areas surrounding the image, leaving only the image.
Related Topics about How to Save Videos from Instagram
How to save videos from Instagram
You must install an app first and download the video through the 3rd party app on Instagram. For more information, check Useful Add-ons for Instagram.
How to upload gif to Instagram
The same way you saved the video, use relating apps for saving and sharing a gif. But let me teach you how to upload gifs to Instagram through GIPHY:
GIPHY provides a one-click answer to turn GIF into one perfectly looped 15 seconds mp4 to enable you upload to Instagram directly.
Click on the Instagram icon at the bottom of any GIF. An email form will be displayed by the GIPHY Glove. Enter the email and click on send.
How to Save Instagram Photos Use Apps Below
How to Save Instagram Photos Use Apps Below
Likes (iOS & android)
This app helps you get thousands of likes and become famous like every celebrity you follow on Instagram. You will get genuine likes, and not some auto-generated likes. You will get real Instagram users liking your favorite photos daily.
How to Upload Gif to Instagram Use Apps Below
Gifshare (iOS)
With Gifshare, you get to share great GIFs on all your favorite social networking sites.
Save any GIF of your choice from the internet on your camera roll. Click on it, crop, scale, slow it down or speed it up. With these, your GIF is ready to be shared.
With GIFs, you can convert any GIF to video, share on Instagram, save to your camera roll, search GIFs easily, download GIFs, edit GIFs features, etc.
How to Save Instagram Videos and Photos Use Apps Below
Instgrab is the best photos and videos reposting app for Instagram. It allows you give credit to the original owner of these photos and videos. Just find the photos and videos you wish to repost from likes and feeds, use username or hashtag to locate amazing photos and videos, then repost them on Instagram.
How To Save Videos From Instagram
Video Download - iBolt Downloader & Manager (iOS).
Here is a video teaching you how to use the app.
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