There comes a time in all of our lives when we all search for tips on how to pass driving test, and that time is before our driving test. We all want to pass the test the first time we try, even though it is not our only chance, so that we can soon be on the road. For all young adults, passing the driving test and being able to go out on their own is a very important part of growing up - one that everyone is very serious about.

Top 15 Tips for Passing Your Driving Test
Practice as Often as Possible
Before the day of the actual driving test, practice as much as you can, always with supervision. Practice will definitely increase your confidence and make you more comfortable behind the wheel. Drive around in streets with someone you can trust to guide you well so that you are well rehearsed for the test.
Try to Know the Test Routes
If it is possible to know the routes you would be required to take at your driving test, you will definitely be better prepared to know how to pass driving test. You can familiarize yourself with the route you are likely to take or even practice on that particular route before the test.
Don't Announce the Date
Don't announce the date of your driving test in front of all your friends and your whole family. There is a good chance you will be bombarded with failure and horror stories from their own experiences when the people around you know you are going to take a driving test. Besides, the anticipation in the air and queries will increase the pressure you are feeling.
Be Positive
Being positive is a great virtue everywhere and in every situation, and therefore, also in knowing how to pass driving test. On the day of the test, the first thing that you say to yourself in the morning should be that you will succeed and that it will be a good day for you. Having a positive outlook can lead to positive outcomes - this is a proven theory in many situations.
Eat and Drink Appropriately
You might not particularly feel hungry before the test but you still need to eat something wholesome and filling at least an hour before going to the test center. Also, don't skip a meal just to fill yourself up with caffeine to stay alert, especially if you are not a regular coffee person. Too much caffeine before the test will actually make you nervy and restless rather than alert.
Reach the Test Center Early
As with any other exams, try and reach the driving center at least half an hour prior to the test. This will give you plenty of time to relax before the test as opposed to arriving only 5 minutes earlier and being flustered and unprepared.
Wear Something Comfortable
Make sure what you are wearing is comfortable and not a hindrance to your concentration; don't wear something formal and out-of-character that will make you stiff and tight, or will block your movements while driving. Wear something that is exactly what you would wear on a normal day when you would go for a ride.
Maintain a Steady Disposition
Maintain a cool and calm disposition, and a steady attitude; don't get into the car too hastily, or speak too fast because you are nervous. Once the instructor understands that you are too nervous, they might hold that against you and consider you an anxious driver.
Double-Check Everything
Once you are inside the car and preparing to start the test, double-check everything. Adjust the mirrors, the seat and your sitting position. Remove your extra clothing if they could be a bother, i.e. your jacket, sunglass or hat. These are pretty standard procedures but they can really help your driving, and the instructor may find them to be a positive behavior that you are a cautious driver.
Confirm Your Doubts
If you have any kind of questions about the test or about a particular driving rule, confirm with your instructor before the test. If necessary, ask them to go over the overall procedure one more time before you start so that you won’t miss anything.
Always Check Out Signs
Always check out the signs on the road when you are driving. Your examiner will definitely keep a lookout to see if you can recognize the symbols on the signs on the road and abide by them. If you want to, you can just describe the signs to them in a conversational manner to show that you are concentrating and that you are aware what each of the signs means.
Maintain a Steady Speed
Even if the speed limit for the street you are driving on isn't visible on any sign, maintain a responsible and steady speed, especially when you are driving on a residential area. It will be better if you inquire beforehand what the speed limit of your route is; by doing so, you show that you really care much about safety.
Know and Follow All the Rules
Knowing how to pass driving test requires you to know and follow all the rules of driving - maintaining a safe following distance, using the indicators on the dashboard, etc.
Make a Smooth Brake
It's not only the driving part of the procedure that's important, but being able to brake smoothly counts as well. Sudden brakes are not just a headache for your passengers, they are potentially quite dangerous as other drivers behind your car cannot have enough time to react.
Don't Panic at Mistakes
If you make a small mistake while driving, don't linger on it and panic. If you become alarmed, you might end up making more mistakes and ruining the rest of the test, as well.
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