In 2006, the world's start catching on the problem of the overheating laptop. All around the globe, reports after reports of laptops flaming up gained popularity. The cause of the problem? Faulty batteries. Big companies such as Dell, Acer and Sony initiate major recalls of their product.
Nowadays, overheating laptops are more of a cause for discomfort. There are several ways to make your notebook cooler, both internally and externally. It’s not going to make your laptop ice-cold, but it will certainly help. Here is how to keep the laptop cool.

How to Keep Laptop Cool: 7 Cheap & Practical Ways You Can Choose
Work at Somewhere That Has AC
If you are feeling warm in your house, then it probably warmer for your laptop. Either you can both suffer yourself in the elements or you can treat yourself and your laptop to somewhere less unpleasant. Head to a nearby cafe or turn on the air conditioner. You will spare your laptop from the potential damage from overheating.
Find a Hard, Flat Surface
For how to keep laptop cool, air flow is important for your laptop heat cycle. Placing your laptop on a soft, fluffy surface like a bed or on a pillow is not the way to go. Find a hard, flat surface. That will maintain a good air flow. The floor is acceptable as long as the dust particles are cleared. Ironically, your lap isn’t exactly where you want to place your laptop either. Place it on your table, i.e. the perfect flat surface for your laptop. On the side note, if you must place it anywhere else, always make sure that the air vents on your laptop are not blocked with anything, after all, it's the main mechanism that keep your laptop cooler.
Clean Out the Dust Bunnies
Dust piling could be one of the reasons that are easy to be missed since it could accumulate in hard to reach places and block the vents etc. To address this, you can try getting a can of compressed air to spray into the vents. Keep it on a short and quick burst. Whenever you are cleaning your laptop, turn it off and unplugged them, with the battery removed. A cotton swab can work to clean out the visible dust. Similarly, you can suck them out with a vacuum cleaner for computers.
If you are a pretty handy, then you can open the panel and clean the fans directly. Just be careful with some of the most sensitive components. Your warranty might be voided if you open your laptop panel. If you have a warranty, then just let them do it for you. If you are doing it yourself, clean out the card slots, heat sink, and other dust traps while you are at it.
Add an External Fan
While most laptops come with a built-in cooling fans, they may not be enough to completely cool your notebook from excessive use. You can buy external fans to install underneath the laptop to have it cool them better. Some fans could be plugged into your USB port for power too. This would be quite effective for how to keep laptop cool.
Shut Down Your Computer
Every time your computer is turned on, its processor will be operational and that is the main source of the heat. Regularly shut down your laptop when you are away for a long while. It will be worth the tiny inconvenience to save you a couple of bucks on protecting your computer. Shut it down if you are leaving for at least an hour.
Lower the Maximum Processor States
For Windows user, the operating system has the built-in option to lower processing power which generates heat. Go to your batter and open up the power options. Go to the advanced power setting and you will find the power management. Go to maximum, processor states. Set them both to around 80%. They might have a similar function in Mac, but not as far as I can tell.
Make Homemade Cool Pad
A good cooling pad can be costly. Why not make one yourself instead? You can simply make on with an overturned egg cartons.
Flip the empty cartons over and you will get more airflow. It makes for a better surface than your actual lap. By no means attractive, but it is inexpensive and works pretty well. Plus, you are recycling too!
To know how to make it, you can watch the video below.
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