Phlegm contains the virus, bacteria, or inflammatory cells produced usually when you have an infection, like the common cold, bronchitis, or flu. Whether you just have phlegm or are dealing with colds and other upper respiratory infections, it is important to learn how to get phlegm out of chest. The presence of phlegm means you will have to deal with consistent cough and a constant need for throat clearing – this may also accompany with symptoms like runny nose, fever, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. By learning how to get mucus out of your chest, you will find it a lot easier to breathe. You will find some relief from consistent coughing because now you don't have to cough hard to get phlegm out of your chest.

The problem is that many people simply can't cough up mucus in chest even though they know they have phlegm. It is worth mentioning that sometime an allergic reaction can also cause phlegm – you may experience phlegm when you have hay fever, asthma, or damaged vocal cords. Whatever the cause, it is important to learn how to get mucus out your chest and make things easier. Keep reading to know what to do when you know a little about how to get phlegm out of chest.

How to Get Phlegm Out of Chest Fast

You can try certain home remedies if you can't cough up mucus in chest.


It works mainly due to its antiseptic properties that play a role in killing the bacteria that may be responsible for increased mucus production. It also strengthens your immune system and trigger recovery.

You simply need to get a glass of hot milk and add a teaspoon of turmeric to it. Mix it well and drink it at least twice: once in the morning and once before going to bed.



It works great for chest congestion, which is mainly due to the presence of quercetin that dissolves the mucus quickly. Onion will also keep mucus from building up again in the chest, thanks to its antimicrobial properties.

You simply need to get six small onions and chew them with sugar. You should do it before going to bed at night.


Honey and Pepper

Thanks to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, it can be extremely effective against bacterial and viral infections. It works by reducing the thickness of mucus and makes it easy for you to get phlegm out of your chest.

You can eat a teaspoon of raw hone daily or add honey to a glass of warm water and drink. Doing this will keep congestion away for several hours. You may want to avoid using this remedy for children younger than age 1 because it may lead to botulism.



Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it works great to reduce the inflammation in your respiratory tract. Its analgesic and antibacterial properties will also play a role in clearing your infection. It clears cough as well.

Cut a freshly peeled ginger root into smaller pieces and add them to a cup of hot water. Let it steep for a few minutes. Now, strain it and drink while it's still warm. Do it daily for faster relief. Chewing small ginger pieces will also help to soothe the cough.


Chicken Soup

Enjoying chicken soup will also work great to clear phlegm. It actually works by keeping your airways moist and reducing the consistency of the phlegm. It is a great remedy for irritated throat.

Simply prepare chicken soup and have it thrice a day. You can also add garlic and ginger to the soup to make it even more effective. Avoid going for canned soup with added preservatives and try to make some at home for better effects.


Salt Water

Gargling with saline water will always work great to soothe your irritated throat. It works because salt can help kill bacteria while warm water will have a soothing effect on your throat.

Take a glass of warm water and add one-fourth teaspoon of salt to it. Use this mixture to gargle several times a day to reduce production of phlegm.



If you want to know how to get phlegm out of chest in the simplest way, you should try steam. Inhaling steam will reduce inflammation in the nasal passage and keep phlegm in liquid form, so you could eliminate it with ease.

Start your day with a steam shower. Set your shower to maximum temperature and leave your bathroom door closed for a few minutes. Now, be there in your bathroom for 10 minutes enough in the bath and inhale the steam to break up the mucus. You can also inhale steam from a large bowl of boiling hot water.



While home remedies work just fine in most cases, you may sometimes need medication to relieve your symptoms. You start with an expectorant that can break down mucus and make it easier for your body to expel it. Several OTC expectorants are now easily available at drug stores – don't buy them for your children who are under 6 years of age.

You can also use mentholated cream to treat congestion. The strong scent of cream will make breathing easier for you; however, it is not that effective in breaking up the mucus. Place it on your chest every night you go to sleep to keep your passageways open.

It is important not to use suppressants though because they may minimize coughing but will definitely thicken mucus, making it even more difficult to get phlegm out of your chest. Remember, coughing is actually good because it helps expel mucus from your system.

  • Be sure to rinse your nose to clear the mucus through saline sprays, neti pot, and gargling.
  • Don't smoke or drink alcohol until you get better.
  • Limit your exposure to respiratory irritants that may cause the respiratory problems.
  • Clean your room regularly to eliminate bacteria and dust.

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