The game of truth or dare is a popular one. It happens at parties, sleepovers, and even among adults who want to add a little spice to their get-togethers. Playing a great truth or dare game requires some embarrassing truths and some really good dares. Here’s how to come prepared yourself with some great dares.

Truth or Dare, Why Is It So Popular?
This game is very popular, and it’s easy to see why. Not only does it allow you to get to know people better with the “truth” section, the dares section allows everyone to enjoy the fun that comes from watching someone else do something silly. The idea that it might come to either a truth or dare for anyone levels the playing field and makes the game even more fun, because everyone has a chance to do something silly or answer something embarrassing. So, for your next big DO, prepare some really great dares and enjoy all the fun with friends!
Good Dares for Girls
Here are a few great dare questions that girls might really enjoy or might really be embarrassed by! Remember that it’s all in fun.
Shave the legs of a guy.
Call up your crush on the phone and ask for a date.
Kiss a male friend, passionately!
Take off one item of clothing.
Brush your teeth in front of everyone.
Make out with a person of the opposite sex for five minutes.
Do a headstand for one minute.
Make an obscene phone call to a random person.
Eat a raw egg.
Apply peanut butter to one side of your face and jelly to the other.
Give yourself a haircut.
Do a thirty-second striptease.
Yell at the top of your lungs.
Burp as loudly as you can.
Bark like a dog.
Sing a song all the way through to the end.
Put on someone else’s bra.
Take off your panties and give it to a guy in the room.
Dance wildly to your favorite song.
Put on makeup without looking in the mirror.
Good Dares for Guys
Guys get into the act, too! Here’s how to make sure they get their share of amazing dares.
Lick the floor.
Act like a dog and get petted by everyone.
Get a shower with all your clothes on.
Put on lipstick and wear it all night.
Put ice cubes in your underwear for five minutes.
Call your crush’s mother and tell her how you feel.
Sing a song and complete it with actions.
Sit there in nothing but your boxers.
Ask a total stranger for their number.
Eat a slice of bread covered with petroleum jelly.
Get a wedgie from everyone in the room.
Drink water from the toilet bowl.
Shampoo your hair in front of everyone but don’t rinse it out.
Moonwalk everywhere you go.
Draw a face around your belly button.
Ask a random stranger to make out with you.
Let someone write a word on your forehead in permanent marker.
Post an embarrassing picture of yourself online.
Imitate a monkey as best you can.
Talk in a strange accent for the rest of the night.
So, with all the good dares listed above, do you think you've got yourself perfectly prepared for the game? If you have better dares, please do share with us in the comment section.
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