One of the basic facts about intelligence is that the person who claims to be the know-it-all might not be an intelligent person. The intelligence which has been derived or accumulated over the years through education or books is something called as crystallized intelligence. The other type of intelligence is based on abstract thinking, problem solving, reasoning, identifying patterns, etc. It has very little to do with memorization. This type is fluid intelligence, which is a less concrete form.
The definition everyone has for intelligence is quite varied. It will differ from person to person, so we will look at some interesting facts about intelligence and intelligent person characteristics in this article.

Top 9 Facts about Intelligence You Will Want to Know
Brain games make you more intelligent?
Solving puzzles or involving yourself in brain games makes you more intelligent ? Apparently not. Although it is a fact that such games keep your mind alert, improve memory and increase attention, it will not increase your intelligence level. Studies have been conducted to test this and they concluded that brain games, while improving the working memory and multitasking skills, did not increase the fluid intelligence. Such games are especially important for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Does left-handedness make people more intelligent?
This is another belief as being facts about intelligence. Being left-handed makes people more intelligent. Since the brain is divided into two hemispheres, the dominant half decides whether we are left or right handed. Some researchers have found that left handed people achieve higher IQ score and are fast when solving questions. However, some researchers have found that the IQ of left handed people varies over the population, and those left handedness can be intelligent or dim-witted.
Are intelligent people happy?
As Ernest Hemingway said "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." There is such a belief that intelligent people tend to be unhappy. In fact it is found more often that intelligent people tend to be depressed and have mood swings. Many intelligent people have committed suicide by being driven to despair.
A study taken in UK shows that people with lower IQ tends to be unhappier than people with higher IQ more often.
Can breast-feeding make people more intelligent?
There is increased bonding between mother and baby when being breast-fed. Also, when adequate control measures were set, researchers found that, by the age of 3 years old, children who were breast-fed had around 3-8 IQ points more than the children who were not breast fed. This can be due to immune factors from breast milk help fighting conditions which impair learning and also boosts functioning of the nervous system. Omega 3 fatty acids from breast milk help with nerve cell development.
Is your intelligence related to head size?
The relation of intelligence and head size can be arguable. In 19th-century, many scholars trying to set up the relation between the two by measuring head size and contour, which seems to be quite simple and biased. When neuroimaging technique was put to use, it did find that higher cranial volume is related to the IQ.
However, a study on armed service men showed an opposite result. Researchers test the IQ of service men on training period, and their helmets' size and the IQ figure showed fairly small connections.
Does birth order matter?
This particular has been believed for a long time now. It is said that the older child is usually smarter and intelligent as compared to the younger sibling. However, there does not seem to be any basis for this belief. People with lower IQ, tend to have bigger families and higher IQ individuals have smaller families. But a small family does not necessarily mean smarter family. Birth order definitely has not impact whatsoever on the intelligence of the individual.
I want to know my IQ
One of the foremost things coming to the mind when talking about intelligence is IQ which stands for Intelligence Quotient. Everyone wants to find out where they stand, where average IQ is 100. In the link given below you can find an easy to take IQ test:
Take a fast IQ test HERE.
What you should know about IQ test?
There are a lot of factors which impact the results of an IQ test. Compared to the previous generation, IQ has risen almost by 20 points. So if grandparents were asked to take IQ test today, they might fall under the category of being borderline mentally retarded! However, this does not mean that intelligence has increase. Food also has an impact on the IQ score. When synthetic products were removed from the diet, the IQ score improves by 14%. For this reason it is important to consider various facts and figures before decided on the intelligence.
Famous people IQ chart
People Name | IQ | People Name | IQ | People Name | IQ |
Albert Einstein | 160 | Barack Obama | 130 | Judy Holiday | 172 |
Sir Issac Newton | 190 | Bill Clinton | 137 | Lyndon B. Johnson | 126 |
Thomas Edison | 145 | Hillary Clinton | 140 | Sofia Kovalevskaya | 170 |
Copernicus | 160 | Dwight Eisenhower | 122 | Madonna | 140 |
Charles Darwin | 165 | Galileo | 185 | Napolean | 145 |
Leonardo Da Vinci | 220 | Bill Gates | 160 | Richard Nixon | 143 |
George Washington | 118 | Stephen Hawking | 160 | Judith Polgar | 170 |
Paul Allen | 160 | Thomas Jefferson | 160 | Ronald Reagan | 105 |
Muhammad Ali | 78 | Garry Kasparov | 190 | Arnold Schwarzenegger | 135 |
George W. Bush | 125 | John F Kennedy | 119 | Harry Truman | 132 |
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