From the precision artwork, like Nazca Lines, to the mysterious place, like Bermuda Triangle, there're so many unsolved mysteries of the world. Find out the 12 biggest unsolved mysteries in the world here.
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The Beale cyphers have been proven to be a hoax the picture you use of Nessie has proven to be a hoax the Bermuda triangle is no more special for disappearences than any other place on earth things go missing it happens
I agree with alanthomas,those so called mysteries have long ago been proven to be complete hoaxes, and the Bermuda Triangle is a myth, but the writers about it make a lot of money.
First the Bermuda training is cause by whether Second the loch ness monster is just a log that looked like an animal
better this mysteries solve fast
In the Zodiac Letters the Zodiac was not happy with the society around him for some reason ,that is the reason why he murdered his own pregnant wife. This is the reason why he said that he burnt her.
Some mysteries are not meant to be solved.. Believe it..when the time is will solve by itself..
Who was jack the ripper? why no one can catch him I want to get more information about him.
I think they are not just myth maybe maybe not but the fact which amazes me is that the descriptions disclosed by those survived from Bermuda triangle
Sir, can you give full information about Kryptos,Area 51&Beale Ciphers.
I came across this all mysterious stuffs after watching korean crime movie "memoirs of murder" . End up here with all the link. I guest you guys might love to watch it. Go check it.