Itchy legs after shaving is a common dilemma for women. It can happen for a few reasons, one being dry skin. There are, however, many different ways and techniques to treat and prevent this irritating issue.
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absolutely right
Very helpful, thx Charlotte!
After shaving, your skin is exposed and Bacteria will be able to fall into you Hair follicles it is advisable to use Jojoba oil, Tea tree, Witch hazel to mention few. but the best thing to do its wax in your hair this will prevent you from having Ingrown hair, appearance of shaving steak and what's their last four to six weeks
Just to correct my typography error , the best thing to do is to wax your hair and waxing last four to six weeks. Thanks
Thank you a lot Charlotte! I suffer from this very often as I shave my legs as it takes lesser time than that of waxing but no doubt waxing is far much better than shaving
Bless you.
I'm 11 and I use aqueous cream
had that too then i stopped shaving my