When stray or feral cats keep wondering in your neighborhood, you sure want to know how to get rid of cats. Try simple and effective ways like using cat repellent.
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These 11 tips don't work, I'm sad to say. This cat has taken our family hostage. It acts as though it lives here, we are sick of it and can't find a solution to get rid of it!
Ihave tried everything. But our neighbor says that they are not his cats. Yet he feeds all 23 of them. Animal control won't do anything about it. My new puppy keeps eating their crap and now has worms.
Just now tried the pepper outside - hope it works! Our two indoor cats are near the window "waiting" for the outside cat to return. So far, we've had to replace a plant, portion of a screened lanai, and have torn sheers - all due to a neighbors outdoor cat.
The filthy cat owners who believe they can let their cats out to ruin other peoples property is the problem. Confront them!
My neighbor two houses down lets her cat roam and it keeps killing animals and leaving them in my driveway. First it was small stuff then it killed a baby rabbit that I didn't notice and ran over and then birds and I just went in my backyard and found a dead rat! Plus it keeps scratching and denting up our cars from sleeping on them. My sister has a brand new Camaro with less than 500 miles and it has scratches all over the good because of this cat. It's driving me crazy!
This all sounds like a hassle. The sprinklers, fence, chicken wire and all seem.. Pricey. The reason why I won't take the two kittens in off of my porch is because I can't afford it. Seems like a problem to solve another problem.
I agree that the solutions offered here do not work. I DO NOT want to spay, neuter and return, I WANT THEM GONE!! They have ruined my garden for the second year in a row and for the first time my yard has become infested with fleas from the 12 or so free roaming outdoor cats that came into my yard every day plus the six from my neighbor that lets her unspayed and unneutered 6 cats freely roam the neighborhood. My four dogs have also just started to noticeably lose weight and I suspect they have become infested with worms from eating the cat crap that they find that I missed. There are 3 different neighbors that feed them. They buy the cheapest food they can find that is more flavor enhancer than actual food, and the flavor enhancers are not digested by the cats. When they crap it smells to my dogs like something they want to eat!!! I have seen two or three new litters this summer alone. Every morning I have 5-6 but sometimes up to 10-12 piles of cat crap in my yard and garden. When you walk through my garden it smells like a sewage treatment plant because I can never find all of the piles of crap they have deposited there and because of the dangers of having the bacteria from their crap in my garden I have been told that if I can not find it all and get it out of my garden quickly the food that I am growing may not be safe to eat because it may become contaminated by the bacteria and other pathogens in the crap. Last year they would come into my yard only at night, but this year there are now so many of them they are in my yard every day, all day long as well as at night. To make it even worse there is one neighbor that has SIX cats that they allow to roam the neighborhood freely 24 hours a day, and not one if them has been spayed or neutered!! Feral cats are no longer just a nuisance, they are becoming a serious problem so much so that Australia us planning on culling, killing, at least one million feral cats by the year 2020!! They are no longer just a nuisance, they are now a big cause of disease and pests in the areas they inhabit causing danger to pets and people. It is time to take action to remove the large populations of feral cats worldwide, because if we do not do it this year there will be even greater numbers to remove next year!!!
To Jennifer: Cats are NOT the problem!!!! Irresponsible people are!!!!!! Go after the people around you not getting their animals fixed and tell THEM about your unsafe food/soil!!!!!! Stop being ignorant.
I have a new kitten that lives inside. He constantly meows and growls at the few local outdoor cats that come to our windows etc and scare him. I know where the owners of the one particular cat live but am scared to confront them as it will only cause neighbourly problems no matter what way i go about it! Iv tried pepper and even spent alot of money on cataway products but nothing works. My cat is spraying and I'm scared he will have a heartattack or get sick from fright as he's hair stands on end and he is so frightened of these pests outside!
Feral cats are overpopulated, extremely destructive to the ecosystem, and transfer disease to responsible pet owners animals. I own a cat that is taken care of in a responsible manner(neutered,well fed, domesticated) and appreciate the bond between it and my family. Feral cats are very temperamental and usually cannot be domesticated. To me it makes no sense to catch, neuter, and release. The cat should be euthanized in a humane manner. It was never meant to be in that ecosystem in the first place. If you are frustrated by this response because you are a animal rights activist or think my method is inhumane, think about this: Your existence as a human being alone supports the death and destruction of millions of plants and animals every day. I appreciate my animals very much. But feral cats should be treated like a flea infestation.