The concept of karaoke is nothing new and has probably been around since the first recording instrument was invented. However, it was sometime in the 1970’s when it really took off. It has been disputed who invented the device that plays songs so people can sing along, otherwise known as a karaoke machine. The word itself is derived from Japan, meaning orchestra. No matter the case, it has held strong in popularity. Not all songs are equal amongst the sexes with karaoke.

12 Best Karaoke Songs Men Shouldn’t Miss
“You Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DC
This is one of the best karaoke songs for men because it portrays the singer as having a hot girlfriend who keeps his motor running all night long. Any man singing this song will feel like a stud and chances are high he will know all the words. This iconic song by AC/DC is a favorite amongst both sexes and of all age groups.
“Born To Be Wild” by Steppenwolf
Another great hit, this song opens itself up to being a great karaoke song for two reasons: everyone knows the words and as everyone sings along, your horrible voice will be covered up. A classic, this song was made to be sung by the masses so all a guy needs to do is start it off and get the crowd riled up.
“Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey
This feel-good song is one of the top best karaoke songs for men. Why? It is a challenge to sing at the very least, coming in close to five minutes long, and has a broad vocal range. But even taking this into account, it is a song that hits close to home for many. A man that can pull this song off will be the hero of the night and the crowd will cheer him on in a way he will never forget.
“Satisfaction” by Rolling Stones
What guy hasn’t fantasized about being in a rock band? If you had to choose one of the greats, it would have to be the Rolling Stones. Ranking second in the top 500 greatest songs of all time, if you are an adult and don’t know the lyrics, you’ve been hiding under a rock your whole life. The song reflects on not only sexual frustration, but also the bands’ fights against commercialism.
“Hotel California” by The Eagles
Considered one of the best karaoke songs for men ever, “Hotel California” can take the crowd to a whole new level. It is just one of those tunes that anyone can lose themselves in and a guy won’t care what he sounds like when singing it. The song is about self-destruction, something being in a bar often leads to, and that is exactly why it is so popular.
“Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Karaoke is just as popular in a country bar as any and this is the perfect song for a guy with a southern drawl. The chorus is easy to remember and it gives a man a chance to show his sensitive side while still rocking the joint. Everyone will join in, making it hard not to like. A singer or two has been known to change the lyrics to reflect their hometown - “Sweet Home Tallahassee!”
“867-5309 Jenny” by Tommy Tutone
Karaoke singers range in age, but you have to remember it all started in the 70’s. This song hit the Billboard Hot 100 in 1981 and never lost its popularity. People actually started calling the phone number and asking for Jenny as a prank. The song about a man desperately wanting a girl’s phone number hits home to many a guy, making it one of the best karaoke songs for men.
“Jessie’s Girl” by Rick Springfield
Another crowd pleaser, this tune sung by Rick Springfield tells the tale of a man jealous of his friend because his buddy has the girl he has always dreamt about. Still played on rock stations around the world, almost everyone who sings karaoke knows the words to this song. Heck, most of the crowd will. It is easily sung by men, as they can often relate and the crowd will join in to finish it off.
“Livin On A Prayer” by Bon Jovi
Bon Jovi and his hair are a legend all by themselves. Those who were young when this song first hit the charts remember the feeling stirred when heard. When a man sings it, he feels young again. Music allows us to lose ourselves and this one is on the top of the charts. The song is about the working-class man and his girl dreaming of leaving to find better things one day. He tells her to hold on, they have each other. When you are young that is all you need, right?
“When I Was Your Man” by Bruno Mars
This song, one of the bestselling digital singles of all time, is obviously about a heartbroken man. Its popularity gives it a spot on the list of the best karaoke songs for men, with any guy nailing it winning crowd approval. Not only is it a well-liked tune, its lyrics can be sung by memory by any fan of lost love lyrics. For the brave man, he can lose himself in the performance and still come out ahead.
“Wonderwall” by Oasis
For a guy who wants to show off his voice, this is the karaoke song for him. The ladies will be swooning for him by the time he finishes and the other men around will be jealous of his accolades. The song is about the feelings behind a crush and falling in love. The singer is saying it’s okay to walk up that person and tell them how you feel. After singing, he might be surprised how many secret crushes the audience have on him.
“Friends In Low Places” by Garth Brooks
One of the best karaoke songs for men, and even the girls, is Garth Brooks’ “Friends In Low Places”. Who can resist a song about drinking, partying and hanging out with the rough crowd and then ruining your lady’s big night? The singer belts his tunes about being with a girl of a higher social circle and the chorus always gets crowd participation with “Oh, I’ve got friends in low places!”
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